Benefits That LED Lighting Offer

If you are looking for a new way to light your building or commercial space, commercial LED light
bulbs are one of the best options that you can choose.

Not only are they more energy-efficient, but they also produce less heat when compared with incandescent bulbs, CFLs and metal halides.

This comes in really handy during the summer when you’re running your air conditioning. Even though the commercial LED light bulbs used to be in a blue tone, they now come in warm white and daylight colors so that you can have just the right color for your home even though you have changed your bulbs.

LED lighting also will provide a far superior CRI, so you are able to see the colors of your makeup or artwork much more accurately.

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Below are the benefits that LED bulbs offer:

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Longer life than comparable bulbs

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Do not contain mercury, which means they’re safer and cleaner than other types of bulbs

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Have a very low energy consumption, meaning your electric bill will be lower

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Light quality is comparable to or better than other lighting products

Give off less heat so that you may not have to run your air conditioning as much in summer

Huge Energy Cost Savings

Utility bills typically make up the biggest chunk of a commercial facility’s overall expenses.
And it’s your energy costs accounting for these bills for the most part

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This is exactly why you will see a sharp decline in your energy costs if you shift to LED commercial light fixtures in your commercial facility. commercial LED lights consume way less energy than their traditional counterparts like halogen lights, incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. To talk some numbers, the right type of commercial LED lights may reduce your utility bills by as much as up to 70 percent, depending on the type of commercial light fixtures they are replacing or being compared against.

This is because unlike these traditional lighting options, LED lights waste significantly less energy in producing heat, which is a benefit in itself that we will get to below. But as LED commercial light fixtures use the energy they consume much more efficiently, they are able to produce the same level and quality of light – typically better – with a much lower amount of energy.

Significantly Longer Lifespan

While it’s true that LED lights are considerably more expensive than the traditional commercial light
fixtures, they usually more than make up for it with their significantly longer lifespan.

The average lifespan of a typical commercial LED light is believed to be anywhere between 50,000 to 100,000 hours, though some of the more conservative estimates put this number at 40,000 to 60,000 hours.

However, both these estimates are significantly higher than the lifespan of halogen lights at 2,000 to 4,000 hours, incandescent bulbs at 750 to 2,000 hours, HIDs at 10,000 to 24,000 hours, and fluorescent lights at 24,000 to 36,000 hours.

This means that while these traditional commercial light fixtures would cost you less initially, you will need to replace them much often than LED lights or LED commercial light fixtures. In addition, traditional lights also demand a lot more in terms of maintenance than their LED counterparts, so that’s something to take into account as well.

A light bulb and an electricity bill.

Produce Way Less Heat

One of the lesser-known but very important benefits of LED lights is that they produce
much less heat. This is something we touched upon above, but there’s more to it.
an LED bulb

The commercial LED commercial light fixtures only waste around 20 percent of the energy they consume in producing heat against up to 90 percent in incandescent bulbs, up to 80 percent in halogen lights, and up to 65 percent in the other types of traditional lights. This not only means much lower utility bills as we discussed above but also that LED lights would emit much less heat. And thanks to this, your commercial facility will demand significantly less in terms of its cooling requirements. This is definitely something to take into consideration as well, as one of the biggest expenses for a commercial facility is air conditioning and other cooling requirements.

Some studies suggest that choosing LED lights over something like incandescent bulbs or commercial light fixtures may lower your facility’s cooling costs by up to 30 percent or more.

Much Safer Lighting Option

The fact that LED lights produce much less heat not only helps in lowering the cooling costs but also
makes them a much safer option.

This is because some of the biggest safety risks in a commercial facility are typically associated with heat and fire. This makes traditional lighting options like incandescent bulbs a much riskier option, as most of the energy they consume is given out as heat. Further, the longer they are in use, the more heat they produce.

On the other hand, commercial LED lights produce much less heat, and the heat intensity does not increase no matter how long they are in use. This is one of the reasons you don’t need to turn off LED lights every now and then to regulate their heat production. LED lights also work just as well with low-voltage electrical systems, which are much safer than what the traditional lighting options typically demand on this front.

But that’s not all. LED lights also do not contain mercury, which is an important element in some traditional lights, particularly fluorescent lights. Mercury is toxic and can be harmful to the people around it, and even though exposure to a small amount of mercury may not cause adverse issues, over a period of time it can pose a real threat to the health and safety of people working around it.

On the other hand, while LED lights do contain lead and some other chemicals to a certain extent, it doesn’t make them toxic. The U.S. laws acknowledge this fact, which is why they also allow disposing of LED lights in a landfill.

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Convenient with No Warm-Up, Turn-Off Period

LED is the most innovative technology in the lighting industry, and turns out to be a much
more convenient and functional lighting option than traditional lights for commercial spaces.
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One of the biggest advantages LEDs offer over their traditional counterparts is that they do not have any warm-up or turn-off period. On the other hand, some traditional lighting option has a warm-up and turn-off period of up to 20 minutes or so.

This means that it would take these lights about 20 minutes to fully light up after you turn them on. The same goes for turning them off.

This makes it very inconvenient especially in emergency situations when you would want them to light up fully instantly.

This is also the reason many commercial facility managers do not turn off the lights even during short breaks as they may not fully light up on time. This obviously leads to higher utility bills as well.

Controllable and Customizable

As far as customization is concerned, traditional lighting options offer little to nothing. However, LED
lights are surprisingly customizable.

One of their major features on this front is that they are dimmable, meaning that if you don’t want to use them at their full capacity, you can reduce their brightness. This will allow them to use even less energy than they typically do.

In fact, there are also automatic control options where the brightness of your LED lights becomes adjustable according to the changing conditions, such as day and night.

LED lights also offer directional control, meaning that you can direct them to the areas you want easily without making them use more energy. They are much better at distributing light by default, too, though, thanks to their 180-degree light distribution. Some of the traditional lighting options have a 360-degree light distribution, which results in a lot of energy wastage.

There are many other advantages as well with LED lights here, including occupancy sensors, timers, daylighting and more

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Brightness, Color Temperature and Color Rendering

LED lights are generally also brighter than your traditional options. They come in different
types of color choices, which include white light that’s fairly similar to sunlight.
Commercial LED Lighting Products National LED

This helps create an environment that the employees find natural and more comfortable to work in, compared to the traditional lighting options that do not offer this color option.

In addition, LED lights usually also don’t have any issues like flickering, which are fairly common with some traditional lights. LEDs also come out a winner when it comes to color temperatures and color rendering. LED lights offer a lot more in terms of color temperature than traditional lights, which is how you have white light as one of the options with them as we discussed above.

Similarly, LED lights turn out to be much more versatile and flexible in commercial environments, thanks to their superior color rendering capabilities.

Other Benefits

LED lights come with a really long list of benefits. While we covered most of the major benefits above,
there are a few smaller benefits worth a mention as well. So let us quickly walk you through them below.

LEDs vs Fluorescents – Which Bulb is Better for
Energy Efficiency?

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When you are looking for a more efficient bulb, the best bulb you can go with is LED. LEDs are much more efficient than CFLs. LED’s don’t need any warmup and work well during cold weather. They’re also a lot more durable because they’re made from plastic rather than glass.


LED bulbs are able to replicate the same exact lighting conditions that fluorescent bulbs provide, but they last longer and they use much less energy. Not only that, but all of the LED bulbs also are compliant with RoHS and don’t contain mercury, making them much safer and better for the environment.

LED Bulb Lighting Options

LED lights come with a really long list of benefits. While we covered most of the major benefits above,
there are a few smaller benefits worth a mention as well. So let us quickly walk you through them below.

Things to Consider When Buying LED Lighting

If you are planning to buy LED bulbs, there are a few things you want to consider.

Color Temperature

This is how your light is going to look. The lower the value a bulb has, the warmer the light it will be. A bulb with a 2700-3000K will have a look that is more of warm light, and the higher temperatures with 5000K will have a harsher light.

Driver Content

Due to their design, an LED bulb usually won’t run on AC. A lot of LEDs will require a type of driver so that it can convert voltage and take it from AC – DC to operate properly. Most LED lamps that are socket-based will be self-driven. However, you should always make sure before you purchase to ensure that you’re buying the driver and the LED if it isn’t.

Equivalent Wattage

Even though lumens are the more recent standard, you want to have a guide that you can easily recognize. When you compare LEDs to incandescent bulbs, it’s going to help you have somewhat of an estimate of the way it’s going to light your room. A good ballpark figure when comparing them is ¼ to 1/5 of an incandescent wattage is what you’ll need.


The number of lumens is the measurement of the amount of light is given by the light in total. The average amount of lumens given out by 60-watt incandescent lights is 800 lumens, and this can vary from 50 to 100 lumens higher or lower. This variance will depend on the manufacturer of the bulb and how old the lamp is. An LED bulb is rated directly for their maximum lumens rating, and they will last a lot longer without the bulb dimming.

Want to know more about the LEDs that we sell or need some assistance finding the right bulbs for you? Let us know. We’re glad to answer your questions and give you the help that you need.

Request a Quote Today!

Well, if you have gone through everything we mentioned above – or perhaps even just skimmed through –it would have become clear to you that LED lights are an absolute no-brainer over their traditional counterparts. They outperform the traditional lighting options in every department, and their higher initial cost is offset by their significantly higher lifespan and energy efficiency, while LEDs themselves are getting considerably cheaper as well over time.


At National LED, you can rest assure that you will get the best in terms of the price, quality and functionality. So what are you waiting for? Request a quote today and get the best of what lighting technology has to offer for your commercial space.